New course: Our microlearning maestros from Vienna

New course: Our microlearning maestros from Vienna

There are so many buzzwords in the EdTech sphere that even the best of us can easily lose track. E-learning, microlearning, game-based learning, online learning, mobile learning, digital learning, AR and VR in education, MOOCs, AI-powered learning platforms... the list could go on forever. Let us help you tackle this exciting and somewhat daunting digital learning journey *buzzword alert* and start with one of the terms we've been seeing more and more of in further education lately - microlearning!

What is microlearning?

To better understand what microlearning means, let's take a look at MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), with which most readers are more familiar. The key word here is massive, as they generally have a large number of enrollments, consist of large amounts of content bundled into the course, and also generate large amounts of data. Essentially, they enable the delivery of instruction on a larger scale. It has also raised the bar for how learning experiences can be delivered that are no longer face-to-face and where you can join in anytime, from anywhere.

However, this does not work for all audiences, especially professionals who lead busy, fast-paced lives and find it difficult to set aside large blocks of time for a course. This is where microlearning comes into play by breaking down the content of such large courses or topics into smaller, more easily digestible units of 10 to 15 minutes, often referred to as 'bite-sized learning'. Microlearning can take the form of videos, images, illustrations, audio, games, text, short quizzes, surveys or studies - basically any type of content can be used. It can be as interactive and engaging as you want it to be. And best of all, these micro-learning units can be offered in combination with mobile learning, making them easily accessible on the go or for those who have a few minutes to complete a unit between their busy schedule.

At MaxBrain, we want to help our clients deliver the best and most relevant learning experience in their organization. Microlearning lends itself well to the needs of our corporate clients, which is why we partner with Neukurs to help them curate and create microlearning units for their training and development programs. Neukurs' microlearning units integrate seamlessly into your MaxBrain learning platform as a SCORM package and are accessible to your learners anywhere, anytime via our web and mobile apps.


New course

With more than 10 years' experience in delivering relevant, practical and engaging 'bite-sized' learning content, Neukurs focuses on supporting business success through three types of skills: personal competence, professional competence and leadership skills. Clients can select relevant microlearning resources from an impressive catalog of over 100 units on topics such as leadership, strategy, marketing and PR, or commission bespoke content. Neukurs has supported a diverse client base from SMEs to large corporations such as Andritz, Deutsche Bahn and Lenzing.

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