MaxBrain Logo

The goal is: Net zero

"The climate crisis is becoming ever more present. As responsible entrepreneurs, it is our job to tackle the CO2 problem. As a supplier and partner, we want to actively help our customers achieve their sustainability goals."

Alex Blattmann

Alex Blattmann

Co-Founder & CEO, MaxBrain

Sustainability plan from MaxBrain

Our team cares about nature: we are actively concerned with climate change, want to make our contribution to a sustainable future and take responsibility. We influence our own CO2 balance with the following three measures:

1. measure

We measure our emissions in collaboration with our Swiss partner MyClimate.

2. reduce

We pursue binding projects with the aim of reducing the largest sources of emissions.

3. protect
We offset unavoidable emissions through projects in Switzerland.

Our measures in detail

1. measure

emissions at MaxBrain are caused by the energy costs for operating the cloud infrastructure, the rented office infrastructure and business travel. The employees' commute to work and energy costs in the home office also contribute to a relatively large extent. Together with MyClimate, we calculated that we emitted 33.5 tons of CO2 in 2022.

2. reduce

We are convinced that we can reduce our emissions by 30% by 2026 and have implemented and planned specific measures for the following CO2 drivers in order to achieve this.

Energy and digital services


3. protect

In cooperation with the MyClimate foundation, we ensure that our 33.5 tons of CO2 are offset each year with appropriate projects. In this way, we are helping to ensure that unavoidable emissions are offset in a targeted and targeted manner and that the environment is better protected.