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Bodenschweiz is a pioneer in vocational training

Bodenschweiz is a pioneer in vocational training

BodenSchweiz digitizes courses and teaching materials as a pioneer in the skilled trades

With its six vocational schools, around 500 apprentices and around 65 training participants each year, the Swiss Floor and Parquet Layers Association, headed by Managing Director Daniel Heusser and Head of Training Andrea Metzger, is one of the most innovative associations in Switzerland. In addition to its efforts to further develop its own job profile away from floor and parquet layers to interior designers, the association is also working consistently on modernizing itself. The entire administration was already digitized several years ago with the company itcnet AG. This March saw the digitalization of the further training courses and, from August, the teaching materials for basic training will be offered digitally using the latest technology from MaxBrain.

The use of tablets and smartphones is a matter of course today

"Thanks to MaxBrain's intuitive learning technology with a strong mobile app component, BodenSchweiz made the decision to do away with paper completely easy," says Daniel Heusser. "Nowadays, technology is indispensable in the skilled trades. And because our training participants all have no problems using their smartphones, using tablets and computers in the classroom also works perfectly well." The decisive factor was the choice of a solution designed for further training that offers the essential functions quickly and to an above-average standard. Participants work best with familiar devices - so it is all the more important that the functions work similarly on all devices in order to focus on the content during lessons.

Digital distribution of teaching materials opens up new opportunities

Printing teaching materials in small print runs at fixed prices is a challenge. In addition, participants sometimes accidentally leave the documents on the train or bus. At the same time, mobile app technology has the clear advantage that all documents are also available offline once they have been synchronized. This means that participants always have their documents with them and can make ideal use of short breaks or commuting times to study or prepare for upcoming exams.

Digital transformation dynamizes the publishing industry

Publishers are dealing with the digitization of teaching materials in different ways. Some have prepared for this in advance and also offer their products in digital form. Others do not yet offer digital solutions or have only just started digital production. The good news is that, thanks to technological progress, costs will continue to fall and the range of platforms on offer will increase. Accordingly, a significant increase in momentum can be expected here.

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