Bertelsmann Foundation sees need for action in the digitalisation of vocational training

Bertelsmann Foundation sees need for action in the digitalisation of vocational training

In its study "Monitor Digitale Bildung - Berufliche Ausbildung im digitalen Zeitalter" (Digital Education Monitor - Vocational Training in the Digital Age), the Bertelsmann Stiftung analyzes a comprehensive empirical database on the state of digital learning in various education sectors. The first published report focuses on vocational training.

The study concludes that digitization in vocational training has so far tended to take the form of restrained modernization rather than broad-based innovation. This leaves opportunities for disadvantaged groups untapped and innovation often fails due to a lack of skills and resources. Changes in the area of digital learning would often be initialized by young trainees and less by the teachers themselves. Overall, a great need for action is seen if the opportunities of digital vocational training are to be fully exploited.

In addition, the study generates some interesting insights into traditional learning platforms or learning management systems (LMS) such as Moodle:

  • According to the Bertelsmann Stiftung survey, only 12{2cb051fce007fca1f4ad811c54f87d79b8f6000c20ef503816adc3fbcaef25e4} of teachers in vocational schools frequently use traditional learning platforms.
  • Another 22{2cb051fce007fca1f4ad811c54f87d79b8f6000c20ef503816adc3fbcaef25e4} use traditional LMS systems occasionally.
  • One-third of vocational schools (33 percent) and 44 percent of companies use free (open source) learning management systems.

The study also examines the use of tablets in the classroom:

  • If technical equipment such as tablets is used for learning at vocational schools, it is predominantly the teachers' private devices.
  • 42{2cb051fce007fca1f4ad811c54f87d79b8f6000c20ef503816adc3fbcaef25e4} of all vocational students use a personal tablet for instruction, but school devices are used only 7{2cb051fce007fca1f4ad811c54f87d79b8f6000c20ef503816adc3fbcaef25e4} of the time.
  • Only 16{2cb051fce007fca1f4ad811c54f87d79b8f6000c20ef503816adc3fbcaef25e4} of all instructors use tablets for training.
  • Tablets are mainly used in pilot projects, with increasing demand. The lessons are experienced as more interesting and motivating and it is appreciated that there is the possibility to learn more individually and also on the move.


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