

Praxisseminare.ch is the comprehensive seminar and congress program of WEKA Business Media AG. Using MaxBrain technology, WEKA offers innovative course formats that are partly digital and partly face-to-face. The focus is on ensuring that continuing education participants have access to course materials anywhere and at any time and can continue their education from home thanks to webinars and interactive learning designs.

Goethe Business School GBS

Goethe Business School (GBS) offers executives and young professionals an exclusive platform for a wide range of continuing education formats at Goethe University - in the heart of the European financial metropolis of Frankfurt am Main.


MaxBrain is used to facilitate all class notes digitally and manages programs, grades and student invoices.

Logo Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland - gray

Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences is a federally recognized and accredited university of applied sciences and offers flexible, career- and family-compatible education and training. With around 4,000 students and over 700 lecturers, it is the largest private university of applied sciences in Switzerland. 


With MaxBrain, Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences provides students and lecturers with a modern, individualized and high-performance online learning platform.

TALENTUS specializes in qualified, up-to-date and practice-oriented training and further education in all areas of operational safety. All seminars (face-to-face teaching, hybrid formats, online courses) are conducted using state-of-the-art technology with MaxBrain. At the same time, important business processes are digitized and automated in order to use the available resources for innovation.


The ZfU supports leaders and companies. It brings people from all over the German-speaking world together at training events, both public and in-house, for further development, exchange and networking. The entire range of further training courses is mapped digitally on MaxBrain, regardless of whether courses take place virtually or in the seminar room. In the background, the connection to Salesforce will ensure maximum operational efficiency in the future.

Swiss College of Surgeons SCS
Swiss College of Surgeons supports young surgeons in training who have not yet decided on a subspecialty. In their first two years of training, they can access a training programme with standardized basic requirements. Young surgeons can access high-quality training content via the MaxBrain learning platform via web and mobile. This modern and professional self-study learning experience deepens surgical expertise, which is complemented by practical courses in Swiss hospitals.
University of Zurich EMBA
The Executive MBA program at the University of Zurich offers senior executives from business and administration a state-of-the-art interdisciplinary management education. The international participants of the English-language EMBA program use MaxBrain and Slack for mobile learning and agile collaboration and communication.


Webinaria - Webinars with passion.


Raffaele Sciortino, certified adult educator, ensures that enthusiasm and enjoyment are brought to knowledge transfer and shows how to present yourself and your ideas in the virtual world. Thanks to MaxBrain, Webinaria courses can be enriched with a wide range of interactive tools and learning can take place anywhere and at any time.

Logo two hours - MaxBrain reference

In the fast-paced professional world, there is often little time for personal development. However, lifelong learning is necessary in order to be able to cope with constant change. 


Two-hour compressed training units on clearly defined topics. Sophisticated methodology, speakers specializing in compact training and flexible formats enable a new type of further training.


ZweiStunden relies on the Learning Experience Platform from MaxBrain.

University of St. Gallen
The Executive MBA of the University of St.Gallen (EMBA HSG) is the oldest and most successful postgraduate program in general management in the German-speaking world. MaxBrain is used to enable all class notes on iPads and simultaneously manages all programs, grades, invoices and participant data (SIS).

OldSchool is an e-learning platform for the needs of senior citizens. OldSchool helps to eliminate the lack of educational opportunities for a rapidly growing population group that will be increasingly digitally literate in the future. MaxBrain provides easy zoom integration and a clear and concise design for easy user guidance for older and digitally unskilled end users.


Digicomp is the leading training center for IT training in Switzerland.


Digicomp's mission: to firmly integrate further training into everyday working life and build up employees' skills as quickly as possible.


As IT experts, Digicomp teachers consistently rely on MaxBrain.

campus.swiss is a new company and 100% subsidiary of Swiss Marketing with 2,500 specialists and managers. The course offering is aimed at sales & marketing professionals who want to perfect their skills. MaxBrain supports campus.swiss in providing the perfect learning experience platform for all learners right from the start. 

AFC develops simulation-based safety and energy concepts for complex construction projects. The integrated solutions are always geared towards economic and aesthetic goals without compromising on the best possible fire protection, maximum comfort and lowest energy consumption. MaxBrain provides lean and intuitive support for all AFC Academy courses, whether virtually from home or in the classroom.
Médecine & Hygiène is the reference in French-speaking Switzerland for the production of high-quality health information for professionals and the general public. The institution digitizes various specialist conferences with MaxBrain.